Saturday, January 06, 2007

Fine, I'll Update...

...but I really do not know what to say. I guess I will make this an update on, well, life. I am sort of sorry to do this because I think that the little things (like dumpster bread and exploding mineral water) are much more interesting than the big things (like plans for the future or career ambitions). The bread dumpster is back, by the way. Did I ever share that? Anyways, I presently find it appropriate to share with you what I will be doing with myself in the reasonably near future. So, here you go.

The rumors are true, I am moving to CANADA. More specifically, to Alberta. That is as much as I can say about location due to my current undecidedness and the simple fact that this is months away and I don't ever plan that far ahead. When, you ask? In September. Why? Because I'm eventually going to finish my degree there and I really just want to.

What do you think of this?


Anonymous said...

ye-ah, ye-ah sucka!! Alberta for you!!!

I am muy excited, to be fo' shizzle.

That is, after the summer :-)

Cassy said...

I am excited that you will be living in my country. Except you will be further away from me than you are now. Oh the irony!

Ashley Ronnell said...

Alberta for me and a new last name for you, Aquasoft! GEN SOFIE!!!! I have to say it as many times as I can over the next 7ish months. Erin and I were thinking you should change your middle name to Sofie.

Yes Cassy I will be significantly farther away. And this is why we should have one hundred million more sleepovers over the next eight months.

Cassy said...

Im down with sleepovers... but be careful up here. You might accidentally start phoning people.

Breathing Aether said...

Augh, you suck. :( Canada sucks if you're going to be going there instead of staying here. It's hard enough to meet up with you accidentally when you live in SEATTLE, lately... And now you're going all the way to Canada! What up, ho? :(

arbyn said...

I always said you were a Canuck. At least, I've said that once... on someone else's blog...

But I meant it all the same.

Welcome, bienvenue.

kinneyland said...

Cassy's right. Canada's great and all but we live here, therefore here is where to be.
Or I guess you didn't consider where I live in your live plan. How typical.
I'm from Alberta, you know.

kortney said...

I'm soooooo sorry for the Alberta move. BC is better.

Ashley Ronnell said...

Hahaha. Interesting range of responses. I have been welcomed, and I have been called a ho.