Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I have survived yet another weekend in the Great White North, so I guess I will tell you a thing or two about my four days in Alberta.

Aside from bathroom breaks and showers, I spent pretty much every minute of my weekend with Sam. Naturally, this meant four days of verbal and physical fighting. In the most loving way possible, of course. Wonk and Keywee used the phrase "old married couple" but I think that term better describes Wonk and Keywee. Anyways, I made it out with only three inexplicable bruises and Sam and I only had to stop being friends three times all weekend (we are friends again thanks to a successful series of trust exercises).

We got to see Jen, which was the reason I flew out to begin with. She was not feeling well all weekend so we did not spend too much time at her apartment. But we got to say hello and give her the knobs that I stole for her from Ikea. Jen looks cute without hair, by the way. I would even say that she pulls off the look better than Colin does.

Hm. What else? I got to see Chelsea and Little F in Camrose, which was really fun because I was not expecting it! Also, I did not once fall asleep while Sam was driving. Mostly because there was a robot lady talking to us in the car. Twist cones, BCF, lattes, a banana, and other delicious things were consumed. It was great fun.

But now it is back to fusion beads and kickball. Which reminds me, I should really be going. Recess calls.

1 comment:

Joey NO! (aka Cloin) said...

I definately look better without hair than Treble does Nooksack...