Sunday, May 17, 2009


The other day, while Annie and I were walking across a field, she suggested we stop to look for 4-leaf clovers. I found one within the first minute of looking! I was so shocked and Annie was so mad, haha. She had a little tantrum right there in the field because I found one and she didn't. It was the first time I had ever found one, I always thought they were mythical or something. Have you ever found one before? What does one do with a 4-leaf clover? I pressed it... now what?


kinneyland said...

I thought I already left this comment, but I see I did not.

I had the same type of thing happen, sat down and there was a four leaf clover! I kept in my wallet, or maybe Adam's for a long time, then wasn't sad when it fell out and got lost.

Anonymous said...

Pressing the clover is OK... but never press your luck!

Love you! dad