Friday, May 15, 2009

And the new hobby...

with 33% of the vote...



Okay, let me be straightforward with you and confess that I changed my vote from wandering to sewing on the last day. I was afraid that running would win. I don't really like running that much and I'm not really sure how it got shortlisted to begin with.

Also, I'm really glad busking didn't win. I don't really know what sort of skill I would busk. My juggling isn't impressive to anyone over the age of 10. Again, how did that make the list? I personally made that list and I'm not sure why half of the things on there sucked.

Wandering would have been good, but I'm always wandering around anyways.

Sewing will be great! I think my first project will be a Perry the Platypus stuffed animal.

Should I go with Perry as a secret agent, or Perry as a pet?




Anonymous said...

how could anything ever beat wandering?

running g said... if you didn't want me to vote for running (which you know i would), why do you even put it on the poll?!

running g said...

i mean, my frickin' name is "running g"!!! ;-)

Ashley Ronnell said...

Johnny, I don't know! I thought it would be a clear winner.

Gen, haha, I knew YOU'D vote for running, I think maybe I put it on there just for you. I'm not sure why anyone else voted for it.

Jaclyn_Rose said...

I think you should do Perry as a pet :)