You may or may not know that I am over halfway done with my Bachelor's degree, and that I haven't taken a class since Winter '06. Holy cow, that's almost 3 years ago! My dropping out had much to do with money, and not having any.
I somewhat randomly decided to move to Calgary to be a nanny so that I could save some money and pay off some back tuition. My plan worked! I get to be a student again!
I'm taking an online class called Eastern Religions to fulfill one of the requirements for my major, which is Comparative Religion. Isn't that great?
Yes, it is.
YAY! School is awesome. I want to go back... but still figuring out for what. Ha.
yes yes it is! CONGRATS!!!!!!!
I have gone through this blog. Ifound it very interesting and helpful. nowadays I am completing my online degree course from home. So this blog is really doing great for me.
bachelors degree
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