Thursday, May 31, 2007

message much?

Do you ever use Windows Messenger? I never really used it before this year, but now I use it a fair bit. Have you ever been nudged? The very first time I was ever nudged I didn't know what it was. I honestly thought that my computer was about to blow up. Freaked me right out. It doesn't bother me too much these days, but oh man that first time...

Anyways, I was just now reminded of that. Later, dudes.


Anonymous said... you perhaps use it to talk to me??

Cassy said...

Just wait until Sam nudges you over and over and over again. Then you start to hate your life.

Ashley Ronnell said...

You're tellin' me.

Anonymous said...

When have I ever done that to you Cassy???

Cassy said...


You did it to me when we were messaging each other in your kitchen. I remember, because you were laughing at me.. right in front of me!

Cassy said...


You did it to me when we were messaging each other in your kitchen. I remember, because you were laughing at me.. right in front of me!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes....when we were BOTH sitting at my kitchen table...talking to each other..we are LAME

kinneyland said...

One time Adam rang some sort of doorbell through yahoo messenger to get my attention. Unfortantely, I was asleep at the time and couldn't figure out where our doorbell was. Of course we don't have a doorbell, eventually I figured it out. But man was I confused.

Ashley Ronnell said...

Haha, that's funny. There's Fresh Prince song with a police siren sound in it and the first few times I listened I got up to look for the police car out the window.