Monday, November 17, 2008

Some Foods Make Me Very Sleepy

Many of you have witnessed the effect that curried foods have on me. It's so glorious. First I get really warm, then I get really sleepy. I used to eat those Tasty Bite prepackaged Indian meals for dinner (almost) every night back when I was living at the Wilsonian. After every dinner, I'd get really warm and go to bed, it was so great.

Sam and I went for Thai food on Saturday night with the gift certificate that her parents got me for my birthday. It was SO good. The place is called Thai Nongkhai and it's the first place I've found in Calgary that is comparable to the amazing Thai food you can find in Seattle. You should come visit me, we'll go eat there. Anyways, last night I had some of the leftovers for supper at 5:00pm, then took a nap right afterwards. Did I mention that I didn't even wake up that day until 2:00pm? I'm telling you, curry is amazing!

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