...but take a look at what I did all evening!
A month or two ago I washed my chapstick. It got beeswax stains on a bunch of my clothes, so I put them in a pile in a corner of my room thinking I'd maybe deal with that one day. I got new chapstick and got over it.
THEN. I did it again on Wednesday. Between those two loads I basically had no clothes left that didn't have grease stains. DANGIT.
I had no idea how to get beeswax out of my clothes. Sam said something about ironing it out but that really wasn't working for me. So I devised a method using the kitchen sink, a cooling rack, boiling water, dish soap, and a dish towel.
I actually have no idea if it worked because it's hard to see the stains when the clothes are wet (they are currently being rinsed). But I spent like 3 hours doing this so hopefully it was effective.
That was basically the most exciting part of my day. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
you could always make shirts...OK? im sorry that the iron did not work...did you google it??? Hope it works out ok for you..I will be home soon....OK..but then you leave so that is LAME.
Awww, I am sorry for taking Sam away from you! But, I have really enjoyed my time with her and well you have her all the time. So, well I am not really that sorry. I guess you are just going to have to find things to fill the time while she is gone just like I have been filling the time over the past year and a half. When I get home maybe we can all hang out and when one is gone we still all have a friend to hang out...
I have done that about six times. I never did get the stains out, but I never tried anything as extreme as that. I just threw the clothes out mostly. Some of the stains come out after like 5 washes though.
The extreme laundry method... kind of worked...
Oh Kaila don't be sorry! You're right I get her all the time... that's why it's so weird when she is gone! But it is OK 'cause I'm glad she got to go to Japan land while you're still there. And I have found lots of super cool things to fill the time like laundry, knitting, coloring, blogging... OK yes I am still lame. Perhaps I should have tried to make some friends instead, hahaha. Well you have a good trio plan.
My new plan is to get a GIANT chapstick that won't fit in my pocket so it will have to live in my bag and therefore it will not go through the wash.
or you could check your pockets before doing laundry.
OOH GIANT chapstick...waht a brilliant idea! haha i like i like
dude i love that your laundry crazzness sort of worked... i'm not going to lie i was totally enthralled and had to know what happened!
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