Friday, March 14, 2008

It's a win-win! (And a lose-lose-lose-lose-lose-lose-lose-lose-lose-lose)

The other day, in the Tim's drive through, I ordered a large coffee, 2 cream 1 sugar. When I pulled up to the window, the lady (who didn't speak a ton of English) handed me a steeped tea. I didn't feel like saying anything because I'm not the type of person to say something. So I just took the tea and drank it.

SUCH a good move on my part! It was so wonderful an experience that I have not ordered a coffee since it happened.

Drinking tea has basically solved all of my problems. I don't feel guilty about the ethics of Tim's tea because I have never heard of it being unethical (so, basically, I am ignorant). Tim's coffee has been making me feel kind of icky lately and the tea does not. A medium tea is 5 cents cheaper than a medium coffee. I can drink tea at night and still be able to go to sleep when I want to.

Drink tea!

(p.s. I am on a 10 cup losing streak.)

(p.p.s. Hello to my blog stalkers from youth! Congratulations Liz on your winning cup and perfect Roll Up the Rim score.)


kinneyland said...

You convinced me to give it a try too and it was pretty good, and nice for the late night runs, or second timmy ho's of the day. And nice that it's a tad cheaper. Plus I won a donut with my steeped tea...coincidence?

kinneyland said...

You're 4 of 31 now and still offering lessons? I'm not so sure about that...

Ashley Ronnell said...

I have transferred my rolling skills to Sam for the time being. She's on a roll! But, really, when one of us wins, we both win...

(Hahaha... on a roll...)