Sunday, November 18, 2007

I can't believe I'm about to say this...

Hey guys, Starbucks isn't so bad. Read up!

Starbucks signs historic agreement with Ethiopia.

That's awesome.

I'm not going to change my coffee drinking habits or anything, but I might go have some sort of nasty, way too sweet Starbucks Christmas-y latte to celebrate.

UPDATE: My egg nog latte was absolutely DISGUSTING.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Ashley Ronnell said...

I just deleted a really long comment written entirely in Portuguese.

kinneyland said...

I don't believe you that an eggnog latte could be disgusting. I have been dreaming about having one, and on the drive home today I swear I smelt eggnog. But I'm scared that the sugar and caffeine would make the kid kick me for a week or so straight.

Ashley Ronnell said...

I love egg nog lattes, but it really wasn't good.

Jen said...

We are going to start making egg nog lattes very soon at work. So, if someone will come visit me I will make this person one. I also have a present for this person that I have been meaning to mail...or you could just come get it.

Anonymous said...

I have eggnog once a year, at Thanksgiving. Kim makes me have it. But it needs lots o' Rum.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I love you!

Ashley Ronnell said...

Hahaha, thanks. Thanksgiving isn't quite the same when you're eating fish sticks and rice for dinner in Canada.