Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Problem Averted

Every time I need to cut an onion to make dinner, I start weeping and 5-year-old Duncan laughs at me.

But today I solved the problem, and he laughed at me for a different reason...

(photograph courtesy of Duncan.)


Cassy said...

Hey! I should get one of those! Did it work? I always weep when I cut onions.

Robin said...

You are so funny!!

I love you and I love your blog!


Anonymous said...

That is funny!! But perfect....

kinneyland said...

You know they say lighting a candle takes away the onion tears. But then you might burn the children, so your way is good too.

Ashley Ronnell said...

The goggles work like magic! They're almost more useful for cutting onions than for snowboarding (they always fog up!). I've never heard the candle trick. Are there any tricks for getting the onion smell off my hands?