Monday, December 18, 2006

One too many?

Don't be fooled by my happy face. Job number 4 is the least fun of my jobs. I work in a parking lot during weekend UW basketball games. It is cold. I have to stand in dark parking lots by myself at night while carrying $200 cash. Is that even safe? I bet it is not. Maybe I could sue somebody. I'm American, give me money.


Ashley Ronnell said...

By the way, I look a little purple because I'm freezing my freaking face off. Yup.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a really silly job, but I guess you do have a reflective vest therefore you must be safe.

Cassy said...

why do you have to carry money? better story?

Ashley Ronnell said...

because people are paying me and therefore need change if they want to give me, say, a 100 dollar bill for $5 parking.

Anonymous said...

Just tell them that you love Jesus, then they will leave you alone. I'm sure it works like a charm.