Sunday, December 03, 2006

Another Weekend in the Great White North

This weekend was the Jrs. Christmas Retreat at camp. It was really exciting to see a bunch of camp people whom I love dearly. I also got to sleep in cabin 0, throw snowballs at HTL, and be DJ Nooksack for the weekend.

And!!! My cool roommate joined me. Say hello to G-Ma! G-Ma was most unfortunately placed in Cabin Poop.

A couple of things that you should know about this weekend.

First of all, there were 3.2 acres of untouched snow to play in. FUN!

Secondly, I would like to let you know that the legend of world famous cabin inspectors Silvia and Poncho lives on. You might even say that Silvia and Poncho are relics.

And that is true.

I leave you with two quotes from a funny Korean camper...
"In my opinion, your snow fort sucks."
"The snow wall is strong, but it is ugly."


Cassy said...

Wow... I am part of a legend, and a soon-to-be world famous dance, I think, too!

Cassy said...

AHA, cabin poop. Did you tell her the story? I bet you did.

Anonymous said...

my, what fun you have

Anonymous said...

haha it was great fun....heck yes that was my campers' quotes

Ashley Ronnell said...

Creep, not only are you a part of a legend... you are Jesus' toenails. Yes, I said it.

And Erin is fully aware of what made the stain on the carpet of the cabin formerly known as cabin 6.

Anonymous said...

what cabin is cabin poop?
i am so out of the camp loop now....
Long live camp luther kitchen!!!!
did you see carolyn?

hope all is well nook!

Anonymous said...

oh man...k get this...the other day in the caf i am eating with the anderson crew (my dorm) and for some reason (pretty typical for me though) we start talking about bowel movements...all is going well when this jen girl comes and sits down and all of a sudden says, "oh are talking cabin 6 again?!"...i tell ya...i really don't remember talking to her about it, but i guess i the word is going'll come...the word poop will soon be replaced by 'cabin 6' worldwide!

Cassy said...

AHA! Really? I love it! I really AM Jesus' toenails! Long live the legend of Cabin Poop.
... This made me think of the day cabin 6 was titled cabin poop... groan... and then the day I cried a lot, but then we talked about poop, and I laughed a lot. Oh memories.

Ashley Ronnell said...

Sparrow, the cabin formerly known as cabin 6 was renamed cabin poop the day when somebody pooped all over the floor. Consider yourself informed.

Anonymous said...

What does a cabin inspector do? O.o

Ashley Ronnell said...

Ah, cabin inspectors. After cabin clean up time at camp, the kids go to the capel and the inspectors go through the cabins to evaluate the cleanliness.

One week the cabin inspectors were two Mexicans (named Silvia and Poncho) who happened to look very much like Cassy and myself. Perhaps because it was really us underneath those sombreros.

Anonymous said...

Miss Ashley, tomorrow or the day after will be one year since we made it back to from Ping alive, if a little less than whole. ;)

I still love you!

Anonymous said...

With all the untapped snow at camp I sure hope you played fox and goose. It's all I've been able to think about since you posted about your weekend

Ashley Ronnell said...

Hooray for surviving Ping (and Linda and Ter). MA, why don't I run into you anymore?

Celia, I'm afraid I have never heard of that game. I hope you are not too disappointed.

Cassy said...

So I reseived a very funny Christmas card in the mail today. It made me laugh so hard, I made a fool of myself in the lobby... and on the sidewalk...

Ashley Ronnell said...

I am glad you got a funny Christmas card in the mail. But, more than that, I am glad that you laughed so hard that you made a fool of yourself.