Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bus Instincts and Free Time

I am getting good at knowing when I need to hurry for the bus. Actually, I've probably just been getting lucky with catching the bus lately, but I'm going to call it skill. Somehow, for the past couple of days I have just known when I need to run to the stop so that I don't miss the bus. I'm always a little bit proud when I get to the stop just in time. I'm also always a little proud when I decide I don't want to run, and the bus is a few minutes late.

Today I am in Greenwood getting a head start on next week's schoolwork at Wayward Coffeehouse. I found this place when I tried to get a job here a month or so ago and, even though they didn't hire me, it looked pretty sweet. So, here I am! The barista really liked my Charmander shirt. I mean, who wouldn't? (Sam wouldn't.)

I am getting tired of having so much free time, but at least I am getting some changes of scenery and getting to know Seattle a little better (Seattle really is a cool city).

It is amazing how having free time can suck the life out of me. I mean, I'm not doing anything, but I have little energy and am superly moody. I'm trying to get over this, to make things to do for myself and trick myself into thinking that I have to get them done. It is weird to find myself being somewhat driven by success/accomplishment. I always think and say that following Jesus transcends those things. Yet here I am with all the time in the world to spend getting to know Jesus better and all I can think about is how I'd rather be doing more work/school/anything. I'm such a hypocrite!

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