Monday, April 27, 2009


Hello guys, so this is Sam blogging for Ashley. If you could all be so kind and give her your pity comments that would be great. She is a little down that no one is commenting on her blogs these days. So Please help me out I can only comment so many times!!


kinneyland said...

I feel bad for that hot dog.

I complain to Adam a lot of how commenting has gone way down lately, and he blames facebook. I concur.

However, it seems whenever I talk to people they mention something they saw on my blog, so we are still reading, just silently.

arbyn said...

Tell Ashley to comment on my blog.

kortney said...

I blame FB, also...but I agree with Robyn.

What goes around comes around :)

Walshy said...

One Message for Ashley: I am not a FREAK! The snow is kind of fun! hehe

Anonymous said...

Ashley, You never cease to amaze me! When are you coming to WA again? I can help if you want to.

Love you!
