Friday, March 16, 2007

something about ecological footprints

Last week I decided I'd be a vegetarian. I was going to be vegan, but then I remembered chocolate and pizza.

My transition from carnivore to vegetarian consists of finishing the chicken nuggets I have in my freezer so that they do not go to waste.


Cassy said... does that mean I should have some pizza and chocolate in my house 2 months, 4 days and 12 hours from now?

Cassy said...

...your grandma told me what happened to Martha. Im so sorry.

kinneyland said...

I hear you are taking our marital advise. Good for you.

VanillaRose said...

I like the new look...

Ashley Ronnell said...

But I'm not married...

Ashley Ronnell said...

By the way, Cass, that's also your birthday countdown!

Cassy said...

Woah! Cool birthday preasent.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Ash!! Good luck with converting from carnivore to herbivore. Let's you, me and Alison get together this week.

Regarding your previous post: isn't a new Ninja Turtles movie coming out??

Ashley Ronnell said...

Gloya! Ali's in London for the week (I know... she would be in London).

As for Ninja Turtles, I am so removed from the entertainment scene right now that I didn't even know about it! Even though it sounds cool and I now want to see it.

But I DID hear that Apollo Anton Ohno will be dancing with the stars. I thought that was cool and I'm pretty proud of myself for knowing that.