Thursday, March 08, 2007

from an alleged middle schooler

One of my glamorous tasks during the day is office duty. I sit in the office while the secretary takes her break. I give out sparkly pencils to kids who have lost teeth and bandaids and ice packs to kids who think they are hurt. Every so often I will greet a parent volunteer who is checking in. I did that once yesterday. This is what she said to me:

"I don't think I know you. You must be an 8th grader."

I frowned for a second, then I laughed.

I wanted to explain how I am actually an adult and that is why I was in the office and not in class, but she is a soccer mom and soccer moms are always bustling out of places so quickly. So, I did not get a chance to say anything at all.


kinneyland said...

Too bad, but I bet she could have given you a ride home in her SUV

Cassy said...

HAHAHA. Thats too funny.
I used to do lunch time office monitering when I was in grade 7. Except back then, I looked like I was in grade 7.

Anonymous said...

NO you are a MOM..

Ashley Ronnell said...

Just because I was mistaken for a mom the very next day does not mean that I actually am a mom.