Pending references, I have a job as a recess lady. I am very excited about this because I remember all of the interesting things that I used to do at recess time. I shall now tell you about one such experience. Please do not think less of me for it.
In 4th grade, I was the Co-President of the Crane Fly Mating Club. Every day before recess, our Vice President would empty his pencil box. When the bell rang for recess, we met in the large field,
which is also home to hundreds of crane flies. The purpose of the club was to catch crane flies that were either in the middle of mating or female crane flies that were pregnant. It was rather educational. Female crane flies, for example, have pointy butts, whereas the males have rounded butts. If we caught mating or pregnant crane flies, we would put them in the pencil box for further examination. When the bell rang, we would bring the catch of the day into the classroom. The crane flies typically died in the pencil box 5-10 minutes after recess ended.
I hope the kids at this school are as cool as I was.
Big Mama Noose Noose, 3 words for you
Yes he did.
I don't know what that has to do with anything, but yeah. Maybe I will also have to come visit you sometime in the land of less snow. Have a good year in Seattle.
When I was in elementary school, "recess ladies" were called duty teachers. Or just duty for short... is that a canadian thing? Or just a strange mission thing?
definitely not an american thing. or at least not a nooksack thing.
i am excited about your job!!! that's sweet...although i do wonder about you sometimes...maybe you should tell us stories of how you were a BULLY!!! jerk! anyways i hope all is well...i unpacked today after a random man was sleeping in my bed...hmmmff...sometimes i just wish i could live on my own but that is okay! of to the very first chapel of the year...yeh coffee and cookies!
Random man sleeping in your bed? Eek.
I just had coffee and a cookie.
oh the good ol' days of mating crane-flies!!!!!
P.S. I got the job! Hooray! Now let's go watch some exciting cranefly mating!
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