Monday, February 23, 2009


Roll Up The Rim To Win started today! I know what many of you are thinking, and you are right. RUTRTW is against many things that I like to think I stand for. To play, you have to use a disposable cup, whereas I (almost) always bring my to-go mug when I get coffee somewhere. Speaking of coffee, I know for a fact that the coffee is far from ethically grown, but I get around that one by ordering tea. I know nothing about where the tea comes from. Does that make it any better? Probably not, but I am a person driven largely by guilt, so it works for me. What I'm saying here is that I will be playing RUTRTW this year. I will probably play a lot and I will hopefully win a lot of stuff. I hope I win the $100 Tim's card on my first play so I can go spend 100 guilt-free dollars rolling up rims.


kinneyland said...

oh man!
the worst, and best time of the year.

running g said...

ahh...i remember these blogs from last year!

Cassy said...

I am 0 for 2 already.

I am going to win though.

Also, have you considered Apple Cider? They dont have it in BC, but I think they do in Alberta.

Not the same as coffee/tea though.

Cassy said... are you already 1 for 9?

Its only been 2 days!

Ashley Ronnell said...

Well, Sam and I are pretty serious about strategy. Instead of buying one large, we sometimes go for 2 mediums instead. Also, I have the week off and nothing better to do. My plays will definitely go down when Annie & Co. come back.

Apple cider! That is an excellent idea, particularly when it is getting late...