Saturday, January 17, 2009

YC... again?

So last year I volunteered at YC (that's Albertan Christian code for Youth Conference) and, I'm not gonna lie, it was kind of lame.  After it was all done, I said, "That was lame. I'm never doing that again."

Then the other day they released all the info for this year and it looked way cool.

Not only are Newsboys NOT the headline concert (they won't be there at all), Relient K IS going to be there and I REALLY want to see them. They were here in Calgary for Warped Tour over the summer, but I missed it because I was in Brazil. There are a few other bands I'd really like to see, too, so I'm pretty much ready to call myself a liar and get my application in.

So I think I'm gonna do it again. Based on the incentive, I think know I have a friend who will do it with me if she happens to not be on practicum that weekend. I have to think of something better to volunteer for, though, because "Games and Activities" was an absolute gong show, and I don't mean that it a good way.


Anonymous said...

haha, well if you go I shall see you there!
I've missed seeing ya around girl!

Megs said...

that's awesome Ash! Man it's been a long time since i've seen relient K... radness I hope you have fun doing whatever you'll end up doing! hahaha