Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Sam is having a really cool pirate cake on her birthday. But this story has more to do with the pirate cake's distant relative, the dinosaur cake.

I went with Sam and her mom to order the pirate cake. Actually we were initially there to get icing sugar, but that's beside the point. We looked at some of the other cakes. Let me be the first to say that the dinosaur one was pretty hurtin'. All it had was this big T-Rex head and some fake vegetation.

The dinosaur cake's only redeeming quality was that it had a button on its side. I think it was even a red button. Ooooh... red button.

"Sam, push the button!"

So she pushed it. Then the dinosaur roared in my face. Then I screamed. Really loud. As in, I was really terrified and even proceeded to hyperventilate for a couple of minutes. Sometimes I do that when I get freaked out, but cake usually doesn't freak me out like that.

That's really about it. The best part happened after I was done freaking out, when I heard one worker in the back say to another worker in the back, "Wow, I've never seen anyone do THAT before."

I told you it wasn't that great of a story. Bet you wish you would have listened to me.


johnhyphenmark said...


Cassy said...

Oops, that was me again.

Anonymous said...

what a funny day.....the best thing to happen yet while you have been here!!!

Anonymous said...
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arbyn said...

oh my goodness. I want to see that cake (WHY wouldn't sam buy THAT cake?)

kinneyland said...

Would the cake make that sound when you buy it too, or was it just the display?
Either way, that's funny. Especially that the workers were laughing at you, I bet they all have told the story too. Ha

Anonymous said...

i didn't get that cake cause i wanted a PIRATE cake that is even cooler!!!

Ashley Ronnell said...

I'm pretty sure the button was included with the cake. But it really was pretty ugly.

Anonymous said...

ROFL. No, that was an awesome story. I can so imagine it.

xD I love you, Ashley.