Yesterday one of my jobs was to stuff report cards into report card envelopes. You know how sometimes something small can spin your mind into some sort of idea or memory? Well, that is what happened to me. I saw the word "Mathemetics" on the report cards and found myself thinking about a funny day in the life of my fourth grade self.
It was math test day. Long division, to be exact. Mr. Novak, our student teacher, handed out our tests and we began. I was a clever kid, but I knew that I would fail that test. Not because I didn't know the answers or was bad at math, just because I had previously decided that I really wanted to fail a test. I finished the test quickly and confidently, then I went back and changed just one number in every solution. Not only did I achieve my goal of failing, I got a 0%.
Maybe I was going for a good story? But this is my first time ever telling this story, so probably not.
I'm so funny sometimes.
I think the funniest part is that you had never told anyone about it. What did your teachers think? Did they wonder how you could do so badly?
My teacher frowned at me when she returned the test and that was it. I reached my goal of appearing stupid, no questions asked.
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