me likey! Go Bears!
yeah, about that. too bad.
Hey, I went and saw that Big Sisters lady today. The process has begun. Expect to be contacted soon.PS My mom just turned on her new Black Eyed Peas CD. Great. Remind me again who is the mother?
Oh! And I watched the whole Super Bowl yesterday. Believe it.
go vancouver canucks!!
Hahaha! That part about the Black Eyed Peas. HA! Our moms should hang out. Have I ever told you how badly my mom wants an Escalade with spinner rims?
Believe it! Haha, best camp song action ever? I think so.
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me likey! Go Bears!
yeah, about that. too bad.
Hey, I went and saw that Big Sisters lady today. The process has begun. Expect to be contacted soon.
PS My mom just turned on her new Black Eyed Peas CD. Great. Remind me again who is the mother?
Oh! And I watched the whole Super Bowl yesterday. Believe it.
go vancouver canucks!!
Hahaha! That part about the Black Eyed Peas. HA! Our moms should hang out. Have I ever told you how badly my mom wants an Escalade with spinner rims?
Believe it! Haha, best camp song action ever? I think so.
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