Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tonight was GOOD.

I was (jokingly... I hope...) informed when I got home that I was at risk of being kicked out for being too Bohemian. This is probably due to the fact that I left my drum out as well as the fact that I now look like this...

Anyways, that was right before supper. After supper, Sam and I went to Safeway and picked up some things for nachos and puffed wheat squares. As we were leaving, Sam pointed out that I could fulfill a lifelong dream and make some money by putting away other people's carts. We saw someone drive away and leave their cart loosely in the parking lot. There was another cart nearby that had been left astray as well. I made fifty cents just by walking across the parking lot! (You may recall that returning carts for lazy/cold people is a business concept I am working on.) Then we got home and I gave the fifty cents to Jeff (Sam's dad) as my "Bohemian Premium."

It was really nice how I accomplished a major life dream while coming up with money to pay my "Bohemian Premium" by doing something somewhat Bohemian.


running g said...

dreads. love it. wouldn't you like some fresh butta bread?

Anonymous said...

YOU GOT DREADS!!!??? Wagowan? Cool tins, y'na mean? Your idea don blaze man. Good gwap no?


Ashley Ronnell said...

Haha ... still trying to translate that, Hene.