I wasn't a huge fan of the YC event, but it was nice to be somewhere different doing different things for a few days.
I was volunteering in "Activities." They randomly assigned me to basketball, which was sweet!
Here are four things I liked about the weekend:
1. We (we being Sam and myself) got to stay the night at Sunshine Jenny's house in Camrose. She's so cool! She even bakes her own bread. And we got to drink chai lattes at Merchant's. I had a Kleenex superglued to my hand at that point.
2. Sam gave me earplugs, so now I still have the ability to hear.
3. I saw my youth girls and they were all like, "what the heck? why aren't you here with US?" I saw a few other random people, too, and Cooper's new shirt.
4. We went out for supper last night with Sam's friend Anne, and the waiter kept asking, "So, how did you make out?" I think that's a really funny and awkward way of asking if we're ready to order and I had a really hard time keeping my composure. He was hilarious, and by that I mean that I hope I never see him again.
Now, four complaints about the weekend:
1. No breaks during activity time. I had to pee for 3 hours.
2. Newsboys. Sorry, they're old news. Time to hire a band that youth actually like. The only people who really seemed excited to have them there were volunteers and leaders. When Sam told one girl that she doesn't particularly like the Newsboys, the girl said "Wow! I've never heard of anyone who didn't like the Newsboys!" The girl was like 22... how is it even possible that everyone she's met likes the Newsboys? I don't really like the Newsboys, hence the rant.
3. The volunteer orientation. I'd like that hour and a half of my life back, please.
4. We mostly signed up so that we could go see Nevertheless, but I got no breaks, and so I didn't get to see either of the shows they played this weekend. LAME!
That's all. It wasn't superly duperly awesome and I'm not sure that I'd do it again, but I think I'm glad we went.
The Newsboys are still playing! And people are still hiring them?!
Hey now some people like the newsboys, and it really isn't fair to judge them on their performance at Yc .
1. there show time was cut in half
2. they brought no production with them such as LED lights, multiple spinning drum sets etc.
3. they had just got off of a 17 hour bus ride to get there.
and as far as celia's comment on newsboys still playing, yes they are, they had the highest grossing tour in CCM in both 07 and 08 and YC probably paid big bucks to get them there, just cause you don't necesarily like them doesn't mean everyone else didn't, how else do you think they'd get 17,000 people in one place??
Haha, anonymous, do you happen to be a volunteer or youth leader who was at the event? Because that is my guess.
Did you notice how many of those 17,000 had no problem leaving in the middle of the Newsboys show? Let's give the good Lord some credit here, as I am positive that the Newsboys are not the ones drawing all those people to the same place.
And I will save my rant on the "big bucks" involved in YC for another day.
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