Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Nice Try, Creeper...

Setting: Madeline (the 4-year-old) and I are walking on the sidewalk at a strip mall, on our way to pick up Duncan (5-year-old).

Random creeper passing by: "Hellooo. I can see where your little girl gets her good looks."

Me: "Really? We're actually not related. At all."

Creeper: "Oh. Well you're both lovely."

(Madeline and I leave quickly.)

Madeline: "Ashley, who was that strange man?"


Also, I just found out that I have a five day weekend. Whoa.


Cassy said...

Thats amazing!

He is right, but very creepy.... even more creepy than me? Maybe?

I miss you!

Anonymous said...

CREEPY! Who says that? One time, when I was 14 or so, I went down one of those gigantic slides with my little sister (then about 5/6) at a carnival, and the woman at the top (the "operator" if you will, who tells you when it's okay to go ahead and slide down the thing on your potato sac) was like "your daughter's really cute" (think hick accent that is kind of deep and scratchy due to smoking probably her entire life). "she's my sister"-me

"I have a little sister." awkward pause. "she's in jail."

That's when my sister and I just took the liberty to go on and slide down.
