In U4 soccer, the teams are named after animals. Madeline's team is called The Giraffes. But her jersey is black.
So, whenever her team does their cheer, "Go Giraffes!", Madeline yells "Go Black Bears!" instead.
Funny kid, I tell ya.
And man, today was a tired day. One sick kid plus one perpetually bored kid equals tired Ashley. I wonder (or do I wander...?), would it be wrong to go to sleep right now?
Also, I made quiche for supper and it was really yummy and I'm really proud of that.
Even if this style of music is not your cup of tea (as it is certainly my cup of tea), the video for this song is sweet! I wish everyone had to see where everything they buy comes from. I wonder if it would change anything...
I wasn't a huge fan of the YC event, but it was nice to be somewhere different doing different things for a few days.
I was volunteering in "Activities." They randomly assigned me to basketball, which was sweet!
Here are four things I liked about the weekend: 1. We (we being Sam and myself) got to stay the night at Sunshine Jenny's house in Camrose. She's so cool! She even bakes her own bread. And we got to drink chai lattes at Merchant's. I had a Kleenex superglued to my hand at that point. 2. Sam gave me earplugs, so now I still have the ability to hear. 3. I saw my youth girls and they were all like, "what the heck? why aren't you here with US?" I saw a few other random people, too, and Cooper's new shirt. 4. We went out for supper last night with Sam's friend Anne, and the waiter kept asking, "So, how did you make out?" I think that's a really funny and awkward way of asking if we're ready to order and I had a really hard time keeping my composure. He was hilarious, and by that I mean that I hope I never see him again.
Now, four complaints about the weekend: 1. No breaks during activity time. I had to pee for 3 hours. 2. Newsboys. Sorry, they're old news. Time to hire a band that youth actually like. The only people who really seemed excited to have them there were volunteers and leaders. When Sam told one girl that she doesn't particularly like the Newsboys, the girl said "Wow! I've never heard of anyone who didn't like the Newsboys!" The girl was like 22... how is it even possible that everyone she's met likes the Newsboys? I don't really like the Newsboys, hence the rant. 3. The volunteer orientation. I'd like that hour and a half of my life back, please. 4. We mostly signed up so that we could go see Nevertheless, but I got no breaks, and so I didn't get to see either of the shows they played this weekend. LAME!
That's all. It wasn't superly duperly awesome and I'm not sure that I'd do it again, but I think I'm glad we went.
I'm on a 5 day weekend, which will be followed by a day and a half of work, which will be followed by a night at Jen and Colin's, which will be followed by 3ish days volunteering at YC in Edmonton. Nice!
Every DAY the US spends $100 million on keeping its weapons poised and ready for use in preemptive strike. (1)
A mosquito net in Africa costs about $3.
The $100 million spent daily on US weapons readiness, then, could buy well over 33 million mosquito nets.
That would be enough to buy one for every single person living below the poverty line in the countries of Ghana, Togo, and Benin combined. (Three West African countries with high malaria risk and prevalence.)
THAT'S IN ONE DAY. Why don't we make this a little more personal while we're at it. It costs me about $125 to fill my fat truck up with gas, which I do about every 2 weeks. That's 82 mosquito nets worth of gas each month.
I buy myself a specialty coffee about once a week. That's about $5 for each double shot soy latte, so $20 a month. 7 mosquito nets worth of specialty coffee consumed each month (not to mention the $1.50 drip coffees I buy almost daily).
Hmmmm. P.S. The overall US military budget is $2 billion per day (1). TWO BILLION DOLLARS PER DAY! ---------- (1)Source: Everything Must Change by Brian McLaren
My sleep habits are not very habitual. Sometimes I go to bed at 8pm, sometimes it's 4am. Sometimes I wake up at 3am, sometimes it's 2pm. Recently I have been seeing midnight a lot. Which means midnight snacks.
It's hard to decide what to eat at midnight. Tonight I am trying oatmeal. Instant oatmeal, the kind with berries. What else is a good midnight snack? I suppose chocolate is always a safe bet. Or maybe cheese and crackers.
Sam had a midnight hot dog a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was weird at first, but then I changed my mind. I actually think it would be a great midnight snack, even though you'd probably have to brush your teeth before bed. (Yup, the secret's out... I don't usually brush my teeth before bed. I never have, except during my first three summers at camp. And that was just because everyone else was doing it.)
I'm not sure what makes a good midnight snack. Convenience, and some other stuff I guess. What's your favorite midnight snack?
So I was getting ready to head to Adlai's baptism today. Took a look at the Google map to see how to get there, then I was off.
Problem is I forgot one of the turns. So I basically drove around looking for the right street. I thought I found it, then I found a churchy looking building that I thought had the right address. So in I go.
The congregation seemed pretty MASSive for a Lutheran church, but I thought nothing of it until we started Hailing Mary. The Hail Mary is not very Lutheran. Looking back it makes sense, seeing as I was actually at a Catholic Church. So I gave up and went home.
I was kind of bummed, but it was kind of funny, too.
Adam and Celia are in town. So is Adlai, who is a very cute baby. Now I know that most babies are cute, but especially Adlai. She's pretty fun for a baby and even laughs at my jokes. I'd say we're friends now. I'm hoping that one day she will refer to me as "Crazy Auntie Nooksack."
Anyways, I like them, even if they choose to embarrass me on their blog pretty soon.