Saturday, August 19, 2006

Boys, Makeup, and Ichiro's Bum

Boys whine a lot.

I wore makeup on Thursday. Lots of makeup. More makeup than I have ever in my life worn at one time. I don't know how, but I was peer pressured to do this by a small group of 12-14 year olds.

Ichiro has a nice bum. When at Safeco, get the seats in right field.


kinneyland said...

How rather random of you, pretty much everything in that post makes me go hmm. (did I get that song in your head?)

kinneyland said...

Also, we're going to try to come out to camp on Tuesday

Anonymous said...

Iciro's Bum is HOT!! and well boys are smelly and well make-up is lame!!!

Anonymous said...

We are geeks!!

Ashley Ronnell said...


kortney said...

I can't believe Sam thinks a bum is hott.

I read your post, I'm at home showering. HA. See you soon :P