Tuesday, October 16, 2007


This summer I added the word "POW!" into my vocabulary because someone on a show I have never seen says it a lot and apparently it's funny. I say it a lot, usually right after The Colonel burns somebody bad. A good example is the morning Quinton (aka Risk) came to staff meeting and The Colonel asked him if he was wearing a wig, but it was really just his hair. POW!

Safeway has this contest going on where you go shopping and they give you a game piece with some letters on it. If you spell out Safeway you get some grand prize. I've only ever gotten one game piece, when I got stuff for making dinner on Monday. POW!

(Not to be confused with Prisoner of War.)


Cassy said...

I dont get it. It randomly said that, or did you spell it out yourself?

chelsea rae said...

you are the funniest person i know

Ashley Ronnell said...

It randomly said that.